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Message Adapter

To serialize and deserialize received and published messages, Courier uses MessageAdapter. With this, you don't need to handle the serialization and deserialization process when publishing and receiving messages from broker

// Using type inference, the client will use the provided message adapter to deserialize the byte array data into Message model
courierClient.messagePublisher(topic: topic)
.sink { (message: Message) in
// Process decoded message
}.store(in: &cancellables)

Out of the box, Courier already provides JSONMessageAdapter which can be used to decode and encode JSON data to Swift model that conforms to Codable protocol.

All you need to do is to pass this to MQTTClientConfig/messageAdapters parameter, by default it uses JSONMessageAdapter. The config accepts multiple type of MessageAdapter as you can see in example below.

let courierClient = clientFactory.makeMQTTClient(
config: MQTTClientConfig(
messageAdapters: [

If you are using protobuf format, you can also add CourierProtobuf dependency to your Podfile and pass ProtobufMessageAdapter

Create your own Message Adapter

You can also provide your own Message Adapter by conforming MessageAdapter protocol and implement both fromMessage and toMessage method. You can take a look on how JSONMessageAdapter implementation below.

/// A protocol used to decode and encode message using JSON format
public struct JSONMessageAdapter: MessageAdapter {

private let jsonDecoder: JSONDecoder
private let jsonEncoder: JSONEncoder

public init(jsonDecoder: JSONDecoder = JSONDecoder(),
jsonEncoder: JSONEncoder = JSONEncoder()) {
self.jsonDecoder = jsonDecoder
self.jsonEncoder = jsonEncoder

public func fromMessage<T>(_ message: Data) throws -> T {
if let decodableType = T.self as? Decodable.Type,
let value = try decodableType.init(data: message, jsonDecoder: jsonDecoder) as? T {
return value
throw CourierError.decodingError.asNSError

public func toMessage<T>(data: T) throws -> Data {
guard !(data is Data) else {
throw CourierError.encodingError.asNSError

if let encodable = data as? Encodable {
return try encodable.encode(jsonEncoder: jsonEncoder)
throw CourierError.encodingError.asNSError

fileprivate extension Decodable {

init(data: Data, jsonDecoder: JSONDecoder) throws {
self = try jsonDecoder.decode(Self.self, from: data)

fileprivate extension Encodable {

func encode(jsonEncoder: JSONEncoder) throws -> Data {
try jsonEncoder.encode(self)
